-- card: 20916 from stack: in.'90AMUG News™ -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3780 -- name: -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- 53 -- part contents for background part 9 ----- text ----- Quickeys 2 -- part contents for background part 8 ----- text ----- ................................................................Jim Alley -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- dialog boxes. With QuicKeys2, it’s just a keystroke away. Another welcome new feature is the ability to install your macros directly into the QuicKeys2 submenu. That way you don’t have to memorize them. A new Timer function can be used to perform macros automatically at a predetermined time. You might set it to save your work every ten minutes. Or how about having your backup program run automatically every Friday afternoon at 4:00 PM. Another new area for QuicKeys2 is the Extensions feature. These are add-ons that can be placed in an Extensions folder that can give advanced capabilities, such as playing a sound in the middle of, or at theend of, a sequence. Another Extension allows you to bring up a particular CDEV without having to go through the Control -- part contents for background part 10 ----- text ----- Panel. Stuff and UnStuff Extensions allow owners of StuffIt Deluxe to perform these actions at the touch of a keystroke. Other extensions from CE and third-party developers will be available through on- line services. Chooser, an extension that lets users make a Chooser selection with a single keystroke, is due out soon.“Real Time” recording is another new feature. This will play back recorded movements at the same speed you make them. (Regular sequences play back as fast as the computer can execute them.) Real Time recording would be useful for demonstrating features in a program, or for creating a tutorial to show new users how to perform specific tasks. In the new version, keystrokes do not have to be named. If you’re